Influence marketing focuses on key individuals versus a target market. It identifies the individuals that have influence over potential buyers, and orients marketing activities around these influencers.
Influence marketing has pressured organizations to seek out social media influencers. Having influencers discussing brand experience is crucial considering that 88% of buyers consider online reviews “very influential” when making a purchase decision.
Social media influencers are typically known for their expertise and focus on specific topics or industries, whether it is gaming, technology, entertainment or fintech.
Fintechnews has identified the 30 most influential people in fintech in Switzerland. The ranking is based on the Klout Score and was adjusted manually and with tools to get the Fintech influence.
Klout is an online service that uses social media analytics to rank its users according to online social influence such as the number of followers, likes, comments, retweets, mentions, connections, etc. The system determines a Klout Score, a decimal value between 1 and 100. The higher the score is, the more influential you are.
The top 5 social media fintech influencers in Switzerland are:
1. Markus Maurer
Markus Maurer (@kusito) is the social media manager and strategist of PostFinance. Maurer has his own blog where he mostly writes about social media, online marketing and community management.
2. Spiros Margaris
Spiros Margaris (@SpirosMargaris) is a senior advisor for a number of fintech companies and a venture capitalist. Margaris has been named multiple times as one of the world’s top social influencers in fintech. He recently took part in the writing of the FINTECH Book.
3. Andreas Staub
Andreas Staub (@andi_staub) is a managing partner at FehrAdvice & Partners AG, a consultancy firm that leverages behavioral economics to allow for better and more accurate decisions in politics and government, in business and in NGOs. Staub mainly tweets about behavioral economics, Big Data, fintech and the Internet of Things.
4. Andy Waar
Andy Waar (@ndwr) is a digital marketing consultant and Executive Director, Head IPS Distribution Management Platforms & Agency, at UBS. Waar mainly tweets about digital marketing, social media trends, and emerging tech such as fintech and augmented reality.
5. Patrick Comboeuf
Patrick Comboeuf (@comboeuf) is the former head of digital experience at Swiss Life and the director of studies CAS in “Digital Leadership” at the HWZ University of Applied Sciences in Business Administration in Zurich. Comboeuf shares about emerging tech trends and digitalization in the banking sector.
Check out the Full Ranking here: The 30 most Influential People in Fintech in Switzerland