SAP Fioneer Launches ESG Software to Help Financial Institutions Mitigate Growing Regulatory Risks

SAP Fioneer Launches ESG Software to Help Financial Institutions Mitigate Growing Regulatory Risks

by September 26, 2023

SAP Fioneer has launched its first software solution for ESG data orchestration and calculation for portfolio and single exposure KPI. The solution not only plugs the data gap banks and insurers need to remain ESG compliant, but also enables them to leverage the pertinent business potential.

The Fioneer ESG KPI Engine software solution to provide full visibility into ESG-related portfolio data, enabling financial institutions to make sustainable, cross-departmental decisions based on reliable insights. By revealing real-time financed and insurance related CO2e emissions, financial institutions can seize transition opportunities and avoid greenwashing, bolstering transparency and accountability.

Maria Patschke

Maria Patschke

Maria Patschke, CEO of SAP Fioneer ESG Solutions:

“Banks and insurance companies are the biggest source of capital, so it’s of little surprise that their ESG regulatory obligations are increasingly under the spotlight. With over USD 90 trillion in Financed Emissions assets that are disclosed under PCAF, financial institutions naturally want to avoid the reputational risk of greenwashing – but the lack of (useable) data to analyze their portfolios is a huge concern for many, until now.”

The Fioneer ESG KPI Engine covers all asset classes and markets, no matter if the data can be sourced or not. The new software saves financial institutions cost and time by offering clear calculations and simplified data presentation, as well as ending the need for employees to spend hour after hour uploading data manually on spreadsheets. The Fioneer ESG KPI Engine brings standardization, auditability and is updated in real-time to react to new regulations automatically, freeing up employees to spend more time analyzing the data and finding new business opportunities and creating a more sustainable portfolio.

“We believe our solution represents a pivotal step towards a greener, more sustainable financial industry. By equipping financial institutions with the tools they need to navigate the complexities of ESG regulations on portfolios, loans and investments, we envision a future in which transparency and sustainability drive business decisions,”

adds Maria Patschke.

Compliant with TCFD, CSRD, EU Taxonomy, and real-time updates, the solution ensures full adherence to evolving regulations. Securing 2023 reporting, the solution provides data historization, auditability and compliance.

Due to its architecture-agnostic approach, the Fioneer ESG KPI Engine can be implemented in any existing financial institution infrastructure. Closing data gaps with the PCAF framework, the solution calculates values consistently, independent of data availability.

The Fioneer ESG Engine is available on-premise, in a private cloud instance or can be hosted in a public cloud.


Featured image credit: edited from freepik