A number of exciting fintech books have been released this year and the following list names the latest books – and those we’ve missed in our previous “Top Fintech Books” post – that will keep you up-to-date on emerging developments in the evolving fintech ecosystem.

Below are a few recommended titles to consider for your bookshelf. 5 out of them are brand new.
ValueWeb: How Fintech Firms are Using Bitcoin Blockchain and Mobile Technologies to Create the Internet of Value
by Chris Skinner
The Internet of Value, or ValueWeb for short, allows machines to trade with machines and people with people, anywhere on this planet in real-time and for free. Using a combination of technologies from mobile devices and the bitcoin blockchain, fintech firms are building the ValueWeb.
Chris Skinner’s latest book ValueWeb, explores what this trend means for financial institutions, governments and citizens.
The Fourth Industrial Revolution
by Prof Klaus Schwab
Professor Klaus Schwab, Founder and Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum, is convinced that the period of change we are living through is more significant, and the ramifications of the latest technological revolution more profound than any prior period of human history.
He has dubbed this era the Fourth Industrial Revolution. In his latest book, Prof Schwab looks deeply into the impact of cutting-edge technologies on the future of our global economy.
The Business Blockchain: Promise, Practice, and Application of the Next Internet Technology
by William Mougayar
Drawing on 34 years of technology industry experience, William Mougayar describes a future that is influenced by fundamental shifts brought by blockchain technology as the catalyst for change.
The Business Blockchain is an invitation for technologists to better understand the business potential of the blockchain, and for business minded people to grasp the many facets of blockchain technology. This book aims at teaching readers how to think about the blockchain.
Blockchain Revolution: How the Technology Behind Bitcoin Is Changing Money, Business, and the World
by Don Tapscott and Alex Tapscott
Blockchain Revolution aims at being the business leaders’ playbook for the next decade and beyond as it explores how blockchain technology is likely to have the greatest impact on the future of the world economy.
Don Tapscott, the bestselling author of Wikinomics, and his son, blockchain expert Alex Tapscott, bring readers a researched, comprehensive, and utterly foundational book about the future of the modern economy.
The Book Of Satoshi: The Collected Writings of Bitcoin Creator Satoshi Nakamoto
by Phil Champagne
The paternity of Bitcoin was recently claimed by Australian computer scientist and businessman Craig Wright, and yet, some bitcoin experts remain skeptical over Wright’s claims.
While we may never know the real identity of Satoshi Nakamoto, what we do have is the numerous emails, posts and resources that Bitcoin’s creator left behind throughout the years.
The Book of Satoshi brings together the essential writings of Satoshi Nakamoto that detail Bitcoin’s creation.
Financial Inclusion at the Bottom of the Pyramid Paperback
by Karl Mehta and Carol Realini
Advances in communications have reconfigured the ease with which we interact with our money and these advances can provide innovative financial services to the unbanked and underserved around the world.
As financial inclusion for all is indeed within our reach, Financial Inclusion at the Bottom of the Pyramid proposes a vision for a better world and a blueprint to reach that goal.
The Mobile Commerce Revolution: Business Success in a Wireless World
by Tim Hayden and Tom Webster
Mobile commerce is about much more than just the “location-based strategies” and apps. The Mobile Commerce Revolution covers the greatest shifts in human and consumer behavior — from infrastructure to culture, strategy to tactics.
The book aims at helping entrepreneurs effectively integrate mobile with existing media and business operations, and capture the rapidly shifting end-user behavior.
Augmented: Life in the Smart Lane
by Brett King
Brett King has just released his latest book. Entitled Augmented, the book focuses on four key disruptive themes: artificial intelligence, experience design, smart infrastructure, and healthtech.
It takes a look at how cutting-edge technologies promise a level of disruption, behavioral shifts and changes that are unparalleled.
King will be hosting a launch party which will take place on May 10, at Cafe 1 Auditorium in Palo Alto, California.
Innovation Wars: Driving Successful Corporate Innovation Programs
Upcoming release: May 31, 2016
by Scott Bales
Following Scott Bales’ book Mobile Ready – one of the most successfully crowdfunded books in Asia -, the fintech entrepreneur, mentor and globally recognized speaker, is back at it with another publication.
Entitled Innovation Wars, the book aims at helping entrepreneurs build successful companies, teams and products in the digital era.
So far, the book has reached its pre-orders target of 250 copies sold and has raised over US$8,500.