Search Results for "accounto"

Nein, ich geh nicht ins Valley. Das Valley kommt zu mir in die Schweiz

Fintech Startup Gründer Alain Veuve mit einem kritischen und höchst lesenswerten Blog-Beitrag zum Startup Funding in der Schweiz. Erst als ich eines Tages mit einem neuen BMW „nach Hause“ kam, war das Thema vom Tisch. Ich gebe zu, ich habe vor 2

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10 Innovative Fintech Startups From Switzerland (which I could name in 1minute)

Switzerland’s fintech scene continues to grow with over 210 startups covering varied areas from cryptocurrency, blockchain, to insurance, payments and investing. Several of these have already began expanding to other market and gaining traction from international investors. Some weeks ago

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Investors should keep an eye on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Made in Switzerland

Artificial intelligence (AI) is set to substantially disrupt the financial services industry, transforming how we bank, invest, and get insured. AI refers to machines that are capable of performing specific tasks that normally require human intelligence such as visual perception,

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