Raisin announced that its savings platform Weltzsparen will be teaming up with Commerzbank to access its wide base of corporate clients and offer special conditions on fixed-term deposits.
In addition to Commerzbank’s own products, corporate clients can now benefit from 3-month to 4-year term deposit offers from select German partner banks.
To start with, the cooperation is focused on limited liability corporations (known in Germany as GmbH’s) and will be gradually expanded to include further legal entities.
“Just as interest rates have fallen for retail savings products, rates on corporate deposits have also decreased and in some cases are yielding negative returns. With this collaboration Commerzbank’s corporate clients will be able to invest beyond the bank, securing rates well above the current market level in Germany,”
explained Dr. Daniel Berndt, Raisin’s Chief Client Officer.
The partnership will start by featuring fixed-term deposits from German credit institutions such as GRENKE BANK, NIBC BANK, and GEFA BANK. Commerzbank selected all the cooperating banks from Raisin’s more than 70 current partner banks, and will regularly review further partnership options as the cooperation unfolds.
Raisin is among the most well funded fintech companies in Germany, it recently made international headlines when it acquired MHB a Berlin-based bank