Digital bank radicant has launched SDG Impact Solutions, a series of 11 financial products comprising three funds and eight actively managed certificates.
These products enable clients to invest in broadly diversified funds representing the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as well as in sustainable investment themes identified by radicant.
Securities for the 11 products are selected from companies whose purpose, products, services and operating processes have a positive impact on the SDGs based on radicant’s assessment.
The company says that these assessments will be made available to prospective investors in the radicant app which will be launched in 2023.
radicant is a collaboration between Swiss cantonal bank Basellandschaftliche Kantonalbank (BLKB) and Dr. Anders Bally, founder of venture firm Bally Capital Partners.
“radicant identifies and fosters solutions that contribute to achieving the UN’s 17 SDGs through innovative financial services, investment products and transparency.
This allows investors to invest in the sustainable topics that are closest to their heart and that they want to support, in order to contribute to the achievement of the 17 UN goals themselves, while continuing to building their own wealth,”
said Anders Bally, CEO and Co-Founder of radicant.
“The radicant SDG Impact Solutions not only offer a contribution to sustainable development, but also attractive return opportunities,”
said Jan Poser, Chief Sustainable Investment Officer and Co-Founder of radicant.