Author: Jan Wichmann


Jan Wichman

“Jan is a Senior Consultant in the area of Payments, FinTech & Innovation with KPMG Germany. He consults banks with a strategy focus on Payments, FinTech Startups and Blockchain. Furthermore Jan is Banking Content Lead on Blockchain as well as FS Digital Trendscouting Lead with KPMG Germany. He is a regular speaker at conferences and universities about FinTech, Blockchain and Innovation.”


FinTech – Financial Technology – refers to the use of new technologies in Financial Services. Leveraging analytics, data management and disruptive digital functions are just some of the main drivers. FinTech Startups are agile – release cycles differ from 2-3 per week, compared with 2 to 3 per year by banks. Can we really talk about the same level playing field? First: What is FinTech? For European FinTech Startups it is about creating  new efficiency, cost-effectiveness and innovative tailored financial services solutions, mostly at the FrontEnd. In Asia and Africa FinTech means even more to open the door for the unbanked…

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Brexit — this topic has been in everyones mind for the prior weeks as I traveled across Germany and the US, not only in financial services. Nevertheless, today the first shock in financial services has gone and according to my opinion the Brexit has the potential to become THE game changer for implementing Blockchain Technology — fast track. Not only in financial services. “We always overestimate the change that will occur in the next two years and underestimate the change that will occur in the next ten.” – Bill Gates But why? Currently London is to the European Union as…

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Let’s get serious about this hyped technology: the momentum is now The buzz surrounding Blockchain is comparable to that surrounding the internet in the early 1990s Do you remember the nineties? Everyone was talking about the internet and its potential, about life changing moments, about disruption, but no one could imagine what is possible? And today: our lives changed fundamentally. Everyone is communicating everywhere, new business models emerged – just to name the platform model, perfectly turned into revenue streams by AGFA – Apple, Google, Facebook and Amazon. The company AGFA overslept this life changing moment: the Internet. Some…

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