How do you send or receive your invoices?
According to the Federal Statistical Office, 42% of people living in Switzerland delay their monthly payments and this leads to 2 Mln. Debt enforcement per year.
Billte easily connects companies and consumers, it digitizes and optimizes their entire billing process.

In 2017, the most used channel to deliver invoices is still by post. Billte believes it is time for a change. Their system is extremely easy, once you generate your invoices in PDF.
Format, you simply drag and drop those into their portal and they will take care of the rest. That means no more spending time to remind your customers that their bills are due to date. By digitizing the entire process, they motivate your customers to pay their bills on time, give them different payment solutions; in a case where payments need to be restructured in a timely manner, they will still be able to settle the debt.
Is that it? Of course not, they are also helping companies to generate new business, creating an instant bi-directional channel where consumers will have the power to decide which companies are interesting to them, in order to receive vouchers or special offers.
The journey
Billte has been chosen out of 250 worldwide companies to participate at the F10 P2 Accelerator Program. The team consists of Andrea Girasole (Sales & Marketing), Vaida Alisauskaite ( Managing Director) and Danny Thüring (Development). The Billte team was able to sign their first contract with SIX Paynet, making Billte an official partner so that their bills can be read on the E-billing account of the customer.
Their first MVP has been released on last week and they are now actively looking for companies interested in trying out their solution.
This article first appeared on Blog, Featured image via Billte Facebook page