Mt Pelerin, a fintech company from Geneva, released its mobile app called Bridge Wallet to enable crypto-fiat transfers.
With its new app, Mt Pelerin said it brings an alternative for much easier transactions between crypto and fiat currencies, by combining the wallet functions with the buy and sell ones. Through Bridge Wallet, users can send fiat to the company’s bank accounts in Switzerland, then receive Ethers, DAIs or US-dollar backed stablecoins directly on the user’s Ethereum addresses with a conversion fee of 1.5%. Bitcoin will soon be added to that list, Mt Pelerin said in a statement.
Mt Pelerin also offers the possibility to cash-out the same four cryptocurrencies mentioned above in more than 20 fiat currencies, delivered to the user’s bank account.

“This first release of Bridge Wallet is only the first step in simplifying crypto-fiat transactions. Our ambition for the app’s future is to completely blur the lines between the crypto world and traditional ways to send and receive money.”
said Arnaud Salomon, the CEO of Mt Pelerin.
Beyond facilitated back and forth transactions between cryptocurrencies and fiats, Bridge Wallet is also a mobile tool that investors can use to manage the security tokens issued on Mt Pelerin’s tokenisation platform. Issuers using the company’s services to create and sell digital assets with a full-fledged onboarding and management interface that is accessible to any investor.
A live demo of what the Bridge Wallet could do with security tokens was made last month when Mt Pelerin held its first annual shareholders meeting through the app. Its shareholders could join the event in the wallet and follow the live streaming presentation of the company’s annual report. They were also able to vote for the items on the meeting’s agenda with their MPS tokens, the tokenised shares of Mt Pelerin.