The digital wallet industry has transformed into a dynamic and complex landscape over the past years, evolving from simple payment…
open banking
Hinter dem Versprechen von Open Banking verbirgt sich eine Welt neuer Bezahlmöglichkeiten und digitaler Finanzdienstleistungen. Doch auf europäischer Ebene sind…
Greenfield business builds continue to be a top innovation strategy for the banking and wealth management industry, according to a…
Open banking has grown to become a global phenomenon and while pioneers like the UK and the European Union (EU)…
The world continues to move towards open banking with some markets, including the European Union (EU), the UK and Australia,…
London-based Finastra strives to provide banks and financial firms with powerful solutions that allow them to meet consumers’ changing needs…
The financial services industry is on the verge of transitioning from open banking to a new phase of innovation which…
The emergence of new technology solutions leveraging open APIs, cloud, blockchain and artificial intelligence (AI) has driven increasing volumes of…
Before 2015, the idea of banks actively working together and sharing information with each other seemed like a pipe dream,…
Open banking is a major shift in the retail banking industry to give customers greater control over their data and…
Application programming interfaces (APIs) seem set to usher in a new era of payments solutions, particularly with the advent of…
Mitte Januar 2018 veröffentlichte SFS ein Positionspapier, worin vorgeschlagen wird, in der Schweiz eine Selbstregulierungsorganisation zu gründen, welche sich der Ausarbeitung…
Immer mehr Schweizer Fintechs drängen mit innovativen Produkten und Dienstleistungen in den Bankenmarkt. Sie fokussieren sich auf einzelne Bestandteile der…
The Payment Services Directive (PSD2), established by the European Commission and currently pending the adoption by the EU Counsel of…
Next month, we will be hosting our series of Innovation Jams. The Jams are competitions which take place in 5…